Established in August 1984 with seven departments (including R&D, Finance, Sales, Procurement, Engineering, QC, and Warehouse Management), we are a well-organized company, which is well known of providing quality products under prompt lead-time. Featuring harmonious working relationship among the seven departments, our key to success is not only purchasing dozens of Japan-made CNC automated lathes to enhance our production capacity, but focusing on personnel training to strengthen company competitiveness, providing customers with a wide variety of products and well-organized service. Main Products: Special precision parts for fiber optic telecommunication equipment and pneumatic/hydra machinery, shafts and machinery hardware, electronics parts, wire-cut housing parts, PC connectors, auto/motorcycle parts, wireless RF devices, wireless transmitter parts.
A2 Cap Screw
All Kinds of Screws
Automotive Screws
Double Lead Thread Screws
Double-head Screws / Bolts
A2 Cap Screw
All Kinds of Screws
Automotive Screws
Double Lead Thread Screws
Double-head Screws / Bolts
Left-hand Screws
Self-Tapping Screws
Stainless Steel
Brass & Bronze Screws
Phospher Bronze
Aluminum Material